Can I use this music for free?

Yes! All music on this site is free for you to use. All we ask is that you show us some love and credit us where possible. If you able to, please consider donating to us via our Patreon page, to help grow and maintain this site.

How do I credit this site?

You can credit us by mentioning the name of the track and hyper linking back to our website, for example – Music “Big Boots” by www.sonicslate.com

Is this music Royalty free?

Yes! Unlike other copyrighted works where you have to pay a fee every time you use it, all our music is 100% Royalty free. We can stand by this claim because all music is producded by us.

Can I monetize my video that uses your music?

Yes! As all the music is royalty free, so do not have to pay us a residual share of the profits.

What can I use the music for?

You can use any track on our site as background music for your videos and multimedia projects, such as YouTube and other social media platforms. We have fairly generous license that you can check out here.

How do you make the music ?

All music is made at our home studio, utilising a range of acoustic and electronic instruments, as well as commercial software and music sample content. Everything that we use has been diligently checked and cleared for your use.

What can I not do with the music ?

The primary function of our music is to be used as accompanying music to your original work, such as background music in a video. You are not allowed to distribute the music stand alone or try to claim ownership of the music.

How can I get in touch ?

Feel free to drop us a mail at info@sonicslate.com . We will endeavour to get back to as soon as possible !